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Save The Children

HTML5 enabling personalised dynamic creatives

Untitled design - 2022-06-27T125359.301
save the children viooh
About this campaign
HTML5 and Non-guaranteed
Campaign specification
Proximity to supermarkets
Sage+Archer, JCDecaux Netherlands and SDIM

For their Christmas campaign, Save The Children wanted to encourage people to “Set an extra plate (in Dutch: “Zet een bordje bij”) to create a virtual Christmas dinner table throughout the Netherlands.

HTML5 was deployed to create dynamic creatives, increasing relevancy of the ads to the local surroundings.

SDIM, Save The Children’s media agency, in collaboration with the Sage+Archer DSP, planned and activated the campaign to be targeted at Dutch consumers in proximity to supermarkets. SDIM specifically targeted the supermarket category, and all screens within a 500m proximity to those supermarkets.

Localised dynamic creative automatically updated messaging to reference the nearest famous landmark. “Let’s set a dining table as long as the Vondelpark” was the message in parts of Amsterdam, referring to the city’s biggest green park. “Let’s set a dining table as tall as the Martinitoren” ran in the town of Groningen, referring to its famous church.

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