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VIOOH prDOOH Carbon Impact

19 July 2024

At VIOOH, we are transparent in sharing our programmatic DOOH carbon impact, to enable media buyers to make an informed decision about which channels and providers to use when selecting media.

VIOOH has worked closely with two external providers - Cedara and Scope 3 - on a comprehensive greenhouse gas (GHG) inventory assessment across our operations, including programmatic media activity, which contributes the majority of emissions.

As part of the measurement process, data sets from VIOOH’s business operations as well as activity data from media delivery, data centres, and media owners, were examined. The number of bid requests, responses, and their file size were included to accurately estimate emissions from programmatic delivery, in addition to accounting for data centre and network use.

You can see our most recent full year calculation here.

prDOOH purchased through VIOOH compares favourably to direct sold DOOH, and has a significantly lower carbon emission intensity in comparison with other digital channels such as digital display, making it a good choice for environmentally conscious advertisers.

In June 2024, Ad Net Zero (ANZ) published the first iteration of its Global Media Sustainability Framework - a series of voluntary industry standards to improve consistent, comparable measurement of greenhouse gas emissions from digital, television, print, audio, outdoor and cinema channels. 

VIOOH is working with our sustainability measurement partners to update our calculations using the new GARM framework.